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YouTube 2022 Edition: Art Part 1

Writer: JM MillerJM Miller

Another month and another list of our favorite videos! If you are new to this, every year we collect our favorite youtube videos (that's all really watch...) and curate them into lists to share! We do this to keep track of our interests: what stayed consistent? what started? what stopped? WHY? Some changes can be notable (i.e. the creator shifted away from someone we can stand, the topic got boring, they started posting clickbait, etc). Some aren't as obvious...their content sometimes just didn't grab our attention for months to years. A lot of what we watch follows very common patterns: art, psychology, crafting/building, humor, and gaming with a few new interests weaving in and out year by year. With these lists, we wanted to share our collection and a little bit about it and why we like it. Hopefully, you find something you enjoy in each of our lists.

This month's focus is on Art! The list ended up being a long one so we had to split them into three different lists. One per week to give you time to watch all of them if you wanted to. Not everything will pique your curiosity right off the bat, but if something that we wrote about DOES interest you, possibly give it a minute or two to see if it is something you'd like. The best finds are by accident and what we didn't expect. We thoroughly enjoy those eye-opening wonders that make us view life a little differently. Why not give at least one a shot?

Let's get to the list!

What is ‘TEXT MODE’ art? | Introduction and Timelapse

Watch a rundown on an old art form using text or font as a drawing medium. This art form was developed around old computers that had limited memory for large image files. To get around this, they made fonts that were all specifically tiled, and from those tiled fonts artists were able to create some incredible art. Watch an introduction and a timelapse of the creative process!

We really enjoyed this art medium and would like to one day try it ourselves. But this has been on our list of 'to-dos' for the past year or so and have not tried since....anyone else willing to get into it to get us started? This would be fun to learn with others and see what we create! Highly recommend at least watching this video to see the magic.

This is how I make sailboats out of cement, imitation bronze paintings

Watch as an artist creates a beautiful faux bronze sculpture out of cement! An amazing process and a stunning result We went to visit the Money Museum here in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and watched a video there on how they design the coinage we use in our federal banks. The process was fascinating and we wanted to see a few more videos on this craft to see if we can create one for ourselves. Though this one has been on our list of 'to-dos', this one is on hold until we are in a proper house as we want to actually melt the metal and cast our own coins. Until then, we are at least thinking of design possibilities for that point. We would love to create an coinage! What do you think?

The Whitest Music Ever Made

Ok, this one is more of a funny one. This is under 'music' which to us fits under 'art'. We didn't have enough of "music" to create its own list. So thus it's here on the list. xD The creativity and effort....the music just screams what it is. Ever heard of 2000s music and you just recognize and FEEL that era? Well, this song definitely has a feel. Both cringe but hilarious feel. If you aren't into music, you may not care...but if you are into humor and'll want to watch.

Making a Glowing Goblin Resin Cube

Ben's Worx is a really cool channel that makes resin projects. A lot of their projects are experimental and can be a hit or miss on the result, but this cube is one of their best works. Watch the process! We really want to make one of these someday. When we have a proper workshop we will! Still a great video...feel free to watch the video at 2x speed or skip to the end. The results are stunning~

If Nintendo doesn’t hire us after this, then I give up

So we aren't endorsing any purchases from them as a lot of their videos seem to be pushing their product. What caught our eye was the cardboard interactable. We absolutely love cardboard creations and want to make our own! There isn't much space for us to hold cardboard so the most we make are cat play areas for Sherlock with scraps we come across from family or our personal purchases. Nothing is clean enough for these projects at this time. But how fun would it be to have us design, create and play with something we make on a video time-lapse? We have big plans, once we can move into a house, we want to set up areas to take videos of our projects to share. Something like this will be on the list! Another one of our 'to-dos'!

The Disturbing Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch

For those with a fascination for weird art, this is a dive into what's known about one of the oddest artists of the European Renaissance. Painting odd hellscapes, disturbing monsters, and bizarre imagery, this Dutch painter is definitely worth checking out. John REALLY likes this weird art and Michelle is relatively fascinated with the designs and chaoticness of it all. We both highly recommend watching this video! Puts a little more relief on your art if you are worried that your art won't be accepted by people. All art has a time, a place and a market searching for YOUR style specifically. Just keep creating and creating to enjoy the process. Share your art proudly!

I made my biggest diorama so far…

For those with time to build dioramas, this is a great inspiration. Large dioramas take a lot of time and effort to build, with so much detail spread across a large surface area, this is quite an impressive build even within the time period she gave herself. She is such an amazing detailed artist with so much SKILL. Another big inspiration for us as we want to have these projects in the works once we have a house and room to set these up. Her videos have enough of a tutorial to pick up on the steps by watching. Would you make this? Would you want to be a part of making this? Or rather just purchase/play with it? WE WANT TO MAKE THIS!!

Speed up Dithering painting in Aseprite. #PixelArt

Ok, so the next three are more from Michelle as she was trying to get more practice with the art program Aesprite which is the best art program for pixel artists. They are all generally the same 'Aesprite Program Tutorials' but have different parts. Very handy if you are interested in either the Aesprite program or pixel art in general. I'm not going to write much about this because....I think this is a little straightforward and for a specific niche. You are already interested in this first one (thus the following two) or not by now. =) So either get started watching or head down to the next non-Aesprite video.

Aseprite Brush Tips and Tricks (Pixel Art Tutorial)

An Aseprite Crash Course In 30 Minutes

Hands: A Dublin Bookbinder

Watch an old (1980s) documentary on bookbinding by hand in Ireland. Watch the elaborate process of this valued craft from start to finish, following medieval bookbinding traditions as used in the 1980s. Totally by accident that we found this. Michelle and John were getting into making their own handmade papers from recycled papers and were ready to start making them into a book, So this video popped up related and the amount of care that went into each and every book was astounding. Now, look around and we see books made en masse as cheap as possible and with such little value in the creation of the book. These were works of ART, doubling as a book.

You should watch and appreciate this craftsmanship. A mindblowing video that excites us to try for ourselves these steps. This is on the list of what we are going to possibly try this summer! Look for our papermaking videos too (if the weather permits...).

I made a biblically accurate angel

Sculpting a Biblically accurate angel. Michelle is having a bit of an obsession with angels and specifically, closer to Biblically accurate angels. Isn't it mind-boggling that the angel art we frequently see is not as described in the Bible? Yes, they can take forms of humans but they don't as often as painted in our human history. It looks both pretty creepy, but also awesome. The wings alone are quite impressive, and combined with a creepy eye-covered ball of a body, it's a strange sight to behold but closer to what is actually described. If you couldn't tell by our website, Michelle's art is closer to Angel Art though she calls them "Constellations" which are due to the connection to the story she is writing.

To see her art for sale head over to our One of a Kind Shop!

Both John and Michelle want to create figures similar to this (at least the sculpting of a figure out of clay and adding details level). Again, we have another on our list of 'to-do' and will have to wait until we have a house that has room. Ever try working on 5 different projects in the same 4"x4" space? It's a lot of work and no room for storing fragile Works in Progress. =( Gotta shelve this idea for a bit.


As you can see, our range is both very within a niche and quite broad. We love art: learning the process, experiencing the process, and the pre-planning of possible projects! Was there a video that stood out the most to you? What was it and why? Was the reason similar to us or did you pick up something different? We hope you enjoy your week and please look forward to part 2 being posted next week!




Thanks for stopping by!

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