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YouTube 2021 Edition: Art and Music 2

Writer: JM MillerJM Miller

As promised, here is the second half! Get ready for another list of fun and interest! Some of these I'll add an explanation to underneath. There are some features we may want to point out,

Smart Furniture | Ingenious Space Saving Designs And Hidden Doors

The Library of Rare Colors

This was such a cool video. At first I thought it was going to be tacky or 'meh' but it wowed us. We want to visit here!!

The Ultimate "Spongebob Squarepants" Recap Cartoon

This one was just too cute. I love the art style and just couldn't help but repeat 'loveitloveit' the whole time. Very cute.

ANIARA - A Masterpiece You Haven't Seen

This movie caught us by surprise. Though we don't watch many movies, we do agree with ElvistheAlien that this is a very fascinating movie. It's on our "to watch" list but we tend to only watch a handful of movies a year. (I have trouble sitting down and focusing for too long.)

I Built a Computer... but it's different…

Day in the Life of a Japanese Anime Figure Sculptor

At first, we both thought that this was just going to be a story about a guy going to work and making figurines. But this actually told a whole lot more that gave these professionals more depth and rich color to their lives. The steps and care it takes for each step and the amount of skill variation you need to know are amazing. Even if you don't want to watch it, I recommend at least skimming through to their actual design and creating process.

I Tested (Almost) EVERY FILAMENT on Amazon: Every Single Filament Part I

Ok this video and the video after were while we were starting to research which printer we may want to save up for next. These were extremely informative and just fascinating to watch whether you are interested in 3D printing or not. Just that the availability of these very different filaments to (seen below) what fascinating designs people have been sharing and creating. This world is wild with creativity. Yes, there is a part 2 and we would recommend you watch it if you were interested in the first one. If not so much, then time to move on to some other awesome videos ahead~

Ten Awesome 3D-Printable Gifts

A Magical Wardrobe Made Out Of Nothing But Pallets.

This guy has crazy skill. Just watch his work. You start watching the video thinking you could do something like that...and then he just keeps going and going with details. It's beautiful and magical. What sort of magical world would you expect to see behind these doors?

And that's it for this week. Let us know which video you liked and disliked from this list. See you next Friday as this YouTube 2021 Edition List continues!




Thanks for stopping by!

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