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Miller July 2022 Update!

Let me start out that we are so sorry for not updating for a while.

What a month (and almost two!). When stress hits us, we lose track of time as we are constantly trying to keep up with everything.

So to update starting from...sometime in May. John had a minor medical procedure that went well but had some small complications in recovery extending it to a few weeks instead of a few days. So I was scrambling to keep up with everything until he could walk properly again.

Then I ended up being in so much pain with my back that I was almost bedridden for most of the days. Went through 4 test procedures on my back to be applicable for ablations. (Ablations are where they burn the tips of the nerves, in my case at the base of the spine, to stop the pain signals being constantly being sent). Ended up being a candidate and now waiting for my second ablation appointment next week. (Medicaid pays for half every other week). At first, I was annoyed I couldn't just get it done all at once, but after that first procedure and not being able to walk with having some issues walking a week, it was a better idea. Plus the process would mean stabbing my back for 40mins instead of the 15. I was done after 3 minutes. ._.

With that, we had a lot of drama surrounding us from friends and family (for different reasons) as well as just a lot of internal stress in general. It was a tough few weeks but now we are finally trying to slow everything down, cut out the work we don't need to be a part of and focus on ourselves and the tasks we already have in front of us. We still have a lot on our plate and rest is necessary.

We've been very disconnected from anything or anyone online (outside of watching youtube videos) so almost no posts on even social media. Trying to connect more with our family and friend. We don't need a large circle, but we need to remember to focus on the important ones around us.

Random input >> Both of our birthdays passed so one year older for both of us. We survived!

We had been focusing on making tons of handmade papers with our unique papermaking process. Take a look!

We've been experimenting with methods, embedding, recycling papers, coloring methods, and much more! These will be available to purchase either individually (each page is unique) to be made into bound books down the line. Recently, we cleaned and moved everything around the house so haven't set up a section for that step yet.

To see the individual papers or sets of papers we have available will be posted on our "Art for Sale" page. Working on the photography side of it. =)

Though we are looking for those who would be willing to teach us in person more about hand-binding pages into books! We know the gist but we are still a bit new at it and would love an expert's guidance on this step.

With that, we are trying to focus at least a day every week on updating this website. We have big plans but time has made it difficult. On top of that, the heat from this summer makes us not want to turn on the computer!

Lots of plans to come. Thanks for being patient and hope you keep checking back to see all of our updates!

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