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2023 February Miller Update

This month has come and gone so quickly. Also doesn't help that this month is the shortest of the year. We've done quite a bit though it is still taking a large toll on us. But we are impressed with what we were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time.

Sherlock shows the right reaction to this whole month.

The first week and a half of the month, we had no idea what was in store for us. We were getting things set up to be prepared for the month...but it was a lot more strenuous than we were prepared for. I was quite productive, early on gaining two more screens. Being able to view multiple documents while working on another, speeds up work significantly! I'm trying to keep up with research for future steps of my projects so this has been amazing! Once that time ended...we started out burnout push! Let's go through some things we covered this month, including a book recommendation from our piles borrowed from our local library.

We came across this book by accident. and absolutely loved the designs. Not only did it have very in-depth information about Bees, but the organization and aesthetics were also so amazing. As we check out books from the library, we have decided to make a list of books we definitely want to add to our personal library once we have a house. (We just don't want to move a ton of heavy books). So not only pretty but informative. Would recommend checking it out!

We started our nonstop work with a day of studying for a class we had that evening: Disciplined Entrepreneurship. After going back and forth between so many ideas of what kind of business we wanted to do, we finally decided. Stickers! We love stickers and we love to create art. Picking too many product types would be stressful as we are trying to learn new parts of running a business. So what better idea to pick up again?

With that, please check out our store for our current sticker designs! We are hoping that the month of March will be less stressful and we can explore more sticker creations. Feel free to send us requests for themes you would love to see.

After our class late Thursday night, we watched these two cuties for the next three days.

Time flew by and the day their owner came back was the day we had to rush up to Denver for John's work meetings. We stayed at the Staybridge Suite on the 6th floor and enjoyed the location. The view was quite interesting with the perspective of seeing down one side of the courthouse as well as a full view of the other. Sherlock really loved the view, though with the glass giving off a lot of cold (especially during the snowfall), she preferred sitting a little further back. We had to bring her with us. Her being our ESA and she is the perfect little guest. Very clean and courteous.

While John was working, I was focusing on other tasks and projects that needed to be kept up with. It was the perfect time for me to sleep and recover...but for some reason, I just couldn't. Ok not for 'some reason' but for many: we were exhausted, in a place we didn't feel safe (it's Denver), an unfamiliar room (albeit a very NICE room), haven't really eaten, too on edge to sleep, unfamiliar sounds/textures/temperature/lights, too many things I needed to get done...and probably a few other reasons in the bag. Sensory overload for Autistics is frustrating, to say the least. John was in the same boat, though it was a really nice hotel, we were on edge not being HOME. The best feature, besides our view, was how QUIET it was! That was the biggest feature that we loved. The lady who helped us extend our stay made it so simple that it eased the anxiety spike that I had since I woke up. Overall, the whole stay was AMAZING and we hope that our upcoming business trip will allow us to stay here again.

Perhaps next time on vacation instead of a business trip would alleviate that underlying stress. Also, not having to rush back home to prepare for more things to be done would help. We look forward to seeing if we can test that theory!

The day we got back we were supposed to have a class that evening. But we were so much in pain and it was snowing that we had to postpone. So instead we stayed in and planned for the next few days. The following day was our ATC event at the PPLD East Library! Luckily most of the items were prepared in advance but I always spent a day stressing about what might be needed and how to carry less since there were only two of us carrying everything.

But it went wonderfully. We also had 8 new attendees join us this month. At each event, we hold a raffle for any of the attendees to win either a jar of ATC materials to make up to 10 cards or a choice of one of our ATC Size Guides that we will also have for sale down the line. Our plan was to have a few of them ready and available for this event but time just flew by. If you are interested, we may have one during our next event you can snatch up! The next event is on March 31st from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in East Library, Colorado Springs with the topic of Embellishments!

After our event, every day thereafter had things planned that we had to accomplish. End of the month and we are still going! We are looking forward to March having many days of rest ahead and hope you do as well. Though it looks to be kind of busy already...

(We are planning on applying for MAKES at PPLD!)

Hope you will be able to join us in the upcoming fun event coming April 2023.

Thanks for catching up on what we've been doing. We tend to get so caught up in our day-to-day tasks that it's difficult to keep up with people individually. Even when we really want to. So this is our best method to periodically update everyone on some of our adventures from the past few weeks. We hope we see you next month. Until next time, bye!

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